IB Year 2 Higher Level Computer Science

Monday 26 August 2024 - Block 5
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Daily Note

Hello class! 

We had a very interesting class last class, where we learned about higher and lower level languages. 

  1. We are going to review your survey results
  2. Any questions about higher or lower level languages?
  3. Would you like to take a quiz? 
  4. We are going to compile a program!
    1. open VScode
    2. create a new file, length.c
    3. paste this code in: https://pastebin.com/PKFNy8LN
    4. please save the code
    5. please open a new terminal (from inside VSCode)
    6. please compile the code, gcc length.c
    7. please execute the code by type ./a.out
  5. Here are all the standards for our course for HL students
  6. Here are all the standards for our course for SL students
  7. Please review the standards for computer organization
  8. We will review data representation or rather,  how data is stored in a computer (page here)
  9. Given enough time, we might explore computer architecture



Statement of Inquiry

The big idea for today is Course orientation.

The essential questions for this topic are:

What do I need to know, understand and do to be prepared for this class?

It takes time to explore and really understand a big idea. If you want to
learn more about course orientation (which is connected to today's daily note), please click here .

We are learning this because as a designers must understand scientific and technical innovation. Designers use systems, models, methods, and processes to solve problems.

Reminders & routines:

Please read and follow these reminder

  1. IF today == Friday: