IB Year 1 Standard Level Computer Science

Monday 11 April 2022 - Block 1
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Daily Note

  1. You are going to continue to  look at some larger data sets. 
  2. The goal of todays lesson is for you to:
    1. make sense of a fairly large data set
    2. understand the data
    3. access the data via python 
  3. Please download this csv. You will work with arabica_data_cleaned.csv The column headers are on line 1
  4. To see a description of the file, please click this link
  5. Please watch this video. It is SUPERB resource to understand CSV files and python
  6. Please read this page on using the built-in CSV library in Python
  7. Once you have a command of the file, I will ask you to: 
    1. Find me the best flavor 
    2. Find me the best flavor and Body
    3. etc...
  8. If you are done with this, please let me check your work and then you will work a 2 dimensional array problem asked as an interview question from facebook. The problem set is here


Statement of Inquiry

The big idea for today is Computational thinking.

The essential questions for this topic are:

How do we think about problems in a way which makes them solvable for a computer?

It takes time to explore and really understand a big idea. If you want to
learn more about computational thinking (which is connected to today's daily note), please click here .

We are learning this because as a designers must understand scientific and technical innovation. Designers use systems, models, methods, and processes to solve problems.

Reminders & routines:

Please read and follow these reminders:

  1. IF today ==  testing_day_for_me:
         remember to go get tested!
  2. IF today == Friday: