Designing Solutions Through Programming

Tuesday 1 September 2020 - Block 2
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Daily Note


Learning to code & accepting input

IF (today ==  testing_day_for_me) {
     remember to go get tested!;


IF (this_block == first_block_day) {


IF (today == Friday) {


The plan for our class:

  1. Please read and follow these reminders:
    1. Always start every class by reviewing our daily notes
    2. This short video will help you remember how to use moodle
    3. Please check now: am I connected to the American School of Warsaw wireless network?
    4. Please check now: is visual studio code working from my programming folder?
  2. You will provide feedback for our daily notes system using this google document

  3. We will review:
    1.  IDE (integrated development environment)
      1. IDE's have line numbers to help you organize your code and discuss code with friends
      2. Syntax highlighting is a way of coloring different reserved words so they are easier to read
      3. Syntax highlighting also helps you identify errors
      4. Autocomplete will help you by filling in functions, variables, and other identified names, so you don't have to type the whole thing (and avoid misspelling)
    2. HTML
      1. HTML element
        1. opening tag
        2. closing tag
        3. content
        4. attributes
      2. block vs in-line tags
      3. anchor tags
  4. We will learn:
    1. we will learn about the image tag
      1. We will learn about common attributes
        1. height: sets the height
        2. width: sets the width
        3. title: helps people with visual issues understand the image
    2. we will build a webpage for a club
      1. You will need the following links for this page:
    3. we will discuss some questions with HTML:
      1. how do we best style HTML?
      2. how do we best layout HTML?
      3. how do we ask a user for input?
    4. we will introduce input types
  5. We will review our learning


Our Big idea

The big idea for today is Web science.

The essential questions for this topic are:

What is the web, really? How is the web made? How do we design and build web-based applications?

It takes time to explore and really understand a big idea. If you want to
learn more about web science (which is connected to today's daily note), please click here .

We are learning this because as a designers must understand scientific and technical innovation. Designers use systems, models, methods, and processes to solve problems.



Reminders & routines: