IB Year 1 Standard Level Computer Science
Tuesday 12 November 2024 - Block 1
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We are learning about system fundamentals. The link to your questions can be found here. Please add to this document!
In the last class we learned about:
- Planning and stakeholder involvement
- Getting requirements from stakeholders
- Gathering information for solutions
- Illustrate system requirements
- Prototypes
In todays class we are learning about:
- Change management
- Legacy system
- Testing
- Implementation methods
- Data migration
- Compare the implementation of systems using a client’s hardware with hosting systems remotely
These are the specific standards we are learning about:
- Describe the need for change management.
- Outline compatibility issues resulting from situations including legacy systems or business mergers.
- Compare the implementation of systems using a client’s hardware with hosting systems remotely.
- Evaluate alternative installation processes.
- Discuss problems that may arise as a part of data migration.
- Suggest various types of testing.
- Describe the importance of user documentation.
- Evaluate different methods of providing user documentation.
We are going to start by walking through an algorithm: finding the smallest number in a list, finding the biggest number in a list, and calculating the average number in a list.
A little less comfortable
You must understand all the standards associated with system fundamentals.
The key question here is how does a system integrate into an organization? You should think about the relationship between a system and the organization it provides value to. You should be thinking about every stage of the lifecycle - introducing the system into the organization, changing the system, and legacy systems / data migration.
Look at any system within an organization and understand how it provides value to the organization.
A little more comfortable
You must understand all the standards associated with system fundamentals. You must be able to teach other people about how to correctly design a system, and what factors come into play when designing a system. You should be able to write quiz questions for content and evaluate if an answer is correct, or which is answer is the most correct.
The key question here is how does a system integrate into an organization? You should think about the relationship between a system and the organization it provides value to. You should be thinking about every stage of the lifecycle - introducing the system into the organization, changing the system, and legacy systems / data migration. You should plan these systems to support a small business, medium business or an enterprise business.
Look at any system within an organization and understand how it provides value to the organization. You should also evalaute how these systems might work better in an organization.
Statement of Inquiry
The big idea for today is System fundamentals.
The essential questions for this topic are:
How do you design a system so it works really well for your client or customer?
It takes time to explore and really understand a big idea. If you want to
learn more about
system fundamentals (which is connected to today's daily note),
please click here
We are learning this because as a designers must understand scientific and technical innovation. Designers use systems, models, methods, and processes to solve problems.
Reminders & routines:
Please read and follow these reminders:
- IF today == testing_day_for_me:
remember to go get tested!
- IF today == Friday:
Our learning
This is a beta feature. Please let me know if you have any feedback.
Please click here to reflect on our learning for today's class.