Designing Solutions Through Programming

Monday 26 August 2024 - Block 6
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Daily Note

Today we are going to take a look at our daily notes, dig a little deeper into vscode, learn how to learn more about html, and spend some time just coding. 

  1. I am going to review your survey results. 
  2. Please open todays daily note and I will review the different sections
  3. We are going to see if our LMS works (it might not)
  4. If it DOES work, we are going take a brief tour of a course. 
  5. We are going to install an extension to connect to a remote server, and set it up. 
  6. Let's learn about IDE's: line numbers, syntax highlighting, and errors. 
  7. We will start learning about HTML
  8. We will create some pages in html



Statement of Inquiry

The big idea for today is Course orientation.

The essential questions for this topic are:

What do I need to know, understand and do to be prepared for this class?

It takes time to explore and really understand a big idea. If you want to
learn more about course orientation (which is connected to today's daily note), please click here .

We are learning this because as a designers must understand scientific and technical innovation. Designers use systems, models, methods, and processes to solve problems.

Reminders & routines:

IF (this_block == first_block_day) {

IF (today == Friday) {

As I am taking attendance:

  1. For students who are physically at ASW: Please check now: am I connected to the American School of Warsaw wireless network
  2. Please check now: is visual studio code working from my programming folder?

To remember: 

  1. All the files you need for this course can be found at this link. Please pay attention to the time the file was last updated. 
  2. You can access a web-based view of your database by clicking this link.
  3. Please be aware of course videos to help you understand our content.