IB Year 2 Higher Level Computer Science
Friday 21 August 2020 - Block 5
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Is everything setup correctly?
Our big idea:
- Ensuring our tools are setup correctly, starting to code
Zoom url: https://zoom.us/j/92537659993?pwd=YjRuTGs3U2Q3NEJiczFIY0o0YzdBZz09
Zoom buddy:
IF today IS testing_day_for_me THEN remember to go get tested!
Our plan for the day:
- We will review the rules in our classroom
- Reminder: daily note
- We will ensure our tools are setup.
- We will practice writing, saving, and executing a python program. We'll do this many times.
- Programming refresher!
- Work this problem set and tell me when you are done: https://computersciencewiki.org/index.php/Classic_warm_up!
- Work this problem set and tell me when you are done: https://computersciencewiki.org/index.php/Email_validator
- Work this problem set and tell me when you are done: https://computersciencewiki.org/index.php/Simple_calculator
- Time permitting we will learn a bit more about control systems.
Statement of Inquiry
The big idea for today is Course orientation.
The essential questions for this topic are:
What do I need to know, understand and do to be prepared for this class?
It takes time to explore and really understand a big idea. If you want to
learn more about
course orientation (which is connected to today's daily note),
please click here
We are learning this because as a designers must understand scientific and technical innovation. Designers use systems, models, methods, and processes to solve problems.
Our learning
This is a beta feature. Please let me know if you have any feedback.
Please click here to reflect on our learning for today's class.